
The Real Cost of SQL Server Management: In-House Team vs. Stedman Solutions

Cost SQL Server

When managing your SQL Server environment, the cost of SQL Server becomes a critical factor in deciding whether to build an in-house team or outsource to specialists like Stedman Solutions. Let’s explore the financial implications of both options to help you determine where your investment will offer the most value.

The In-House Team: What It Really Costs

To ensure your SQL Servers are running smoothly, you’d need a competent in-house team. Here’s what that typically involves:

  1. Senior DBA: A highly skilled expert who can handle complex tasks such as performance tuning, disaster recovery, and high availability. The cost? Equivalent to hiring about two experienced employees in other departments.
  2. Mid-Level DBA: This person manages routine operations, supports the senior DBA, and handles day-to-day SQL Server tasks. The cost? Comparable to adding another seasoned professional to your payroll.
    Together, the annual expense of maintaining this team is equivalent to hiring three highly experienced employees. But the costs don’t end there. You need to account for software tools, which can be $2,000 to $5,000 per server per year. Unfortunately, the biggest cost is unplanned downtime…

Even with a skilled in-house team, unplanned downtime is a real risk. For a typical small to mid-sized business (SMB), SQL Server downtime can total 10 to 20 hours per year or more. Each hour of downtime could cost your business the equivalent of a few weeks’ salary for one employee. Over a year, these interruptions could add up to the cost of hiring yet another experienced team member. Cost of SQL Server downtime can mean more than just money.

The Hidden Costs: Unplanned Downtime

SQL Server

SQL Server downtime can have significant implications for businesses, affecting both operational efficiency and financial performance.

  1. Loss of Productivity
  2. Financial Losses
  3. Customer Satisfaction and Trust
  4. Data Loss and Corruption Risks
  5. Reputation Damage
  6. Security Vulnerabilities

When you account for both the salaries of your DBAs, software tools, and the potential costs risk of unplanned downtime, your total annual expense could be equivalent to hiring four full-time, highly experienced employees costs could be astronomical. This doesn’t even take into account the costs associated with ongoing training, certifications, and the risk of turnover.

Total Cost of an In-House Team

SQL Service

The Stedman Solutions Alternative: Cost-Efficient Expertise

Now, consider the alternative: Stedman Solutions. For an annual fee that is far less, you gain access to a team of SQL Server specialists with decades of experience. Here’s what you get:
A Team of 3 or 4 DBAs: You’re not just getting one or two people—you’re getting a full team of experts dedicated to your SQL Server environment.
Continuous Monitoring: Your SQL Servers are under constant surveillance, with immediate alerts and rapid responses to any issues.
Proactive Performance Tuning: Regular tuning ensures that your servers are optimized for peak performance.
Reduced Downtime: Our expertise reduces unplanned downtime by at least 90% since we operate in so many customer environments and have faced almost every scenario., significantly lowering the associated costs.
With our service, the cost of downtime could drop to the equivalent of just a few days’ salary for one employee over the entire year.

When you compare the costs, choosing Stedman Solutions can save your business 46% to 57% annually is a fraction of the cost compared to building and maintaining an in-house team and the costs of unplanned downtime. Not only does this save money, but it also eliminates the stress of managing SQL Server performance, allowing you to focus on growing your business.
Additionally, our expertise may help you reduce licensing costs by optimizing SQL Server performance, providing even more value for your investment.

The Financial Advantage: Savings and Peace of Mind

Conclusion: The Smart Choice for SQL Server Management

SQL Server

The decision is clear: Would you rather manage a team of four DBAs, dealing with the unpredictability and high costs of downtime, or pay a far lower fee for the cost of SQL Server experts to handle everything, ensuring smooth, reliable operations? With Stedman Solutions, you get more than just cost savings—you gain peace of mind and a partner dedicated to your business’s success.

Contact us today for a quote:

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Stedman Solutions, LLC.
PO Box 3175
Ferndale WA 98248

Phone: (360)610-7833

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