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IIF Function in SQL Server

Exploring the IIF Function in SQL Server

One of the lesser-known but handy functions in SQL Server is the IIF function. Introduced in SQL Server 2012, it provides a simpler and more readable way to write conditional logic directly within your queries.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the IIF function, how it works, where it can be useful, and when you might want to use alternatives like CASE.

What is the IIF Function?

The IIF function is a shorthand way of implementing conditional logic, allowing you to return one of two values based on a boolean condition. It operates similarly to an inline IF-THEN-ELSE statement.


IIF(boolean_expression, true_value, false_value)
  • boolean_expression: The condition to evaluate.
  • true_value: The value returned if the condition evaluates to TRUE.
  • false_value: The value returned if the condition evaluates to FALSE.


SELECT IIF(10 > 5, 'True', 'False') AS Result;

This will return:


Real-World Use Cases for IIF

1. Categorizing Data

Use IIF to categorize data in a query. For example, let’s say you have a table of customers, and you want to flag whether their purchase amount is above $100:

SELECT     CustomerID,     PurchaseAmount,    IIF(PurchaseAmount > 100, 'High Spender', 'Low Spender') AS SpendingCategoryFROM Customers;    

2. Simplifying Queries

For simple conditional logic, IIF provides a more concise alternative to CASE, making your queries easier to read.

3. Conditional Aggregates

You can combine IIF with aggregate functions for conditional counts or sums. For example:

SELECT     SUM(IIF(Status = 'Active', 1, 0)) AS ActiveCount,    SUM(IIF(Status = 'Inactive', 1, 0)) AS InactiveCountFROM Users;    

Comparing IIF to CASE

The IIF function is essentially syntactic sugar for CASE. Anything you can do with IIF can also be done with CASE. Here’s a quick comparison:

Using IIF

SELECT IIF(Score >= 50, 'Pass', 'Fail') AS Result FROM Students;

Using CASE

SELECT CASE            WHEN Score >= 50 THEN 'Pass'           ELSE 'Fail'       END AS ResultFROM Students;    

Advantages and Disadvantages of IIF


  • Simplicity: It’s concise and easier to read for straightforward conditions.
  • Inline Logic: Great for quick checks and simple queries.


  • Complex Conditions: For more complex conditions with multiple branches, CASE is more robust and readable.
  • Performance: Internally, IIF translates to CASE, so there’s no performance benefit.
  • Readability: While concise, IIF can become harder to follow if nested or overused.

Best Practices

  • Use IIF for Simple Conditions: It works best when you’re evaluating one condition with two outcomes.
  • Avoid Nesting IIF: If you find yourself nesting IIF statements, switch to CASE for clarity.
  • Keep Queries Readable: Always prioritize readability, especially in team environments where others need to understand your SQL code.


The IIF function is a convenient addition to SQL Server for straightforward conditional logic. While it doesn’t offer new functionality beyond CASE, its concise syntax can make your queries cleaner and easier to read in certain situations.

However, for more complex logic or when performance is a concern, sticking with CASE is often the better choice. By understanding both options, you can decide which approach works best for your specific scenario.

For more tips and tricks on SQL Server, check out my blog at, and if you’re looking for expert SQL Server assistance, don’t hesitate to explore our Managed Services.

Happy querying!

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