The output clause is one of the wow factor query items, where when people see you use it the just go WOW, I did not know you could do that. I can remember working with a client and showing that to them and getting that same reaction of WOW.

Have you seen our SQL short course on the TSQL Output Clause?

This course is part of the Querying SQL Server series. The SQL Server output clause is a great way to get data back from an insert, update or delete statement, and it cause be used for auditing, or tracking of changes. It is also a great way to capture changes for a type of undo mechanism if needed. One over the more overlooked SQL Server features that can help you write more effective queries.

You could complete this course in one evening this week and come out if it with strong SQL skills than you had before this course.

Find out more here:

Contact Info

Stedman Solutions, LLC.
PO Box 3175
Ferndale WA 98248

Phone: (360)610-7833