Here are some of the recent posts at Enjoy!
July is JSON and XML month
I have decided that for the month of July I will post 31 blog entries for the month about JSON and XML. Every post will contain something that compares and contrasts or explains …
SQL 2019 Page and Row Compression with XML and JSON
On a week long theme on XML and JSON in SQL Server, this is the second post. After the first post of just showing how to store these values in the database I …
JSON and XML in SQL Server
This post is the first in a series of blog posts around using XML and JSON in SQL Server. XML has been supported, although slightly clunky since SQL Server 2005, and it has …
June 2020 Blog Posts by Steve
At the beginning of June I realized that I was slightly behind on my blogging, so today, June 30th marks 30 days of 30 blog posts in the month of June. Some other …
SQL Server Express File Size Limitation
Recently while working on a project I ran into the SQL Server Express File Size Limitation. After tracking it down I thought it would be worth documenting here for the next time someone …
Switching Compatibility Levels on Multiple Databases
Recently as part of an upgrade to SQL Server 2019, I needed to set the compatibility levels for a database to 150 (for 2019). You could certainly do this by clicking through the …
Weekly Summary June 26, 2020
Biggest MessJune 25, 2020 As a DBA, what is the biggest problem or mess you have had to clean up in a SQL Server. If you have been a DBA for long enough, …
Biggest Mess
As a DBA, what is the biggest problem or mess you have had to clean up in a SQL Server. If you have been a DBA for long enough, at some point you …
TempDB Sizing Question
Question submitted at Is there any formula to calculate size of TempDB? There are some great formula’s out there for instance to calculate the max server memory setting (, however calculating the …
Some SQL Humor
A query walks into a bar and sees two tables. He walks up to them and says ‘Can I join you?‘ One table responds… Only if you are willing to commit. Getting Help …
What Version of SQL Server Are You Using?
For me, I support SQL Server version from SQL Server 2000 all the way to SQL Server 2019 and Azure SQL. In a typical week I work on everything in between SQL Server …
How Much Backup History is Too Much?
How much is too much when it comes to backup history. What we are talking about here is how much backup history do you want to keep, backup sizes, what file was written, …
Help With SQL Queries
A few times each week I get questions from people wanting help with a query. If the solution is something simple that I can see right away without spending much time then I …
Weekly Summary – June 19, 2020
Here is a list of my blog posts from the last week. SQL Server Text Data – Reclaiming spaceJune 18, 2020Earlier in the week I answered a question about reclaiming space, and after …
SQL Server Text Data – Reclaiming space
Earlier in the week I answered a question about reclaiming space, and after that post, I decided to put it into a video. Take a look at the video below from YouTube. Take …
Worst Day as a DBA
What was your worst day as a DBA? We all have ups and downs in our life, perhaps some of those bad days are the days that make us realize how good we …
Setting text field to empty or null does not release the space used
Here is a quest that was submitted on the blog today. HelloJust have a question about a table of mineone of the columns is of type text and its of estimated size of …
Configuring Merge Replication
This video is a 12 minute demo of how to quickly configure merge replication and to see it in action between SQL Server 2019 and SQL Server 2017. However most of what is …
SQL Server Recovery Models Explained
SQL Server recovery models often incorrectly referred to as (MS SQL Recovery Mode) define how your SQL Server database will treat your transaction logs. There are 3 SQL Server Recovery Models to choose …
Ransomware on SQL Server
What does ransomware do to a SQL Server? Ransomware The way that ransomware generally does their thing it encrypts files and then leaves some clues around telling you that you need to pay …
Weekly Summary – June 12, 2020
It was a busy week this week, but I was able to create several blog posts relating to corruption. Does a corrupt database really need to be repaired?June 11, 2020 At Stedman Solutions, LLC …
Does a corrupt database really need to be repaired?
At Stedman Solutions, LLC the team and I do many database repairs from simple things that take just a few minutes to larger repairs that take many days to repair. Since 2015 we …
What does it mean when a SQL Database is SUSPECT?
First rules about a database being in suspect mode: Do not trust anyone who just says follow these steps and it will always fix a SQL database that is SUSPECT. Do not listen …
repair_rebuild vs repair_allow_data_loss
Yesterday I posted about how repair_allow_data_loss should never be used with CHECKDB or CHECKTABLE. Today I want to share the difference between repair_rebuild vs repair_allow_data_loss. First off, after reading the post about never …