NEW Feature: Email notification for Blocking Queries

We provide monitoring tools that alerts us when there is an issue and we recommend fixes before the issue becomes a bigger problem. The notification runs every 4 hours and alerts us of issues that may require your attention.

What you get?

Monitoring several times each day on issues as they arise on your SQL Server.

  • Initial analysis with written details describing your current baseline issues.
  • Weekly full email describing all recommendations.
  • Daily notification on new issues with recommendations on how to resolve.
  • Full Database Health Monitor license for all servers being monitored.
  • AND NOW email notification for blocking queries

What is covered in the SQL Daily Checkup?

The detection and alerting of around over 100 critical items in your SQL Server configuration. Over time the list of critical items will be increased with additional checks.

What is not covered?

The resolution of the issues. We let you know when a problem is detected so you can either resolve the issue yourself, or you can choose our help on an hourly basis to resolve the issue.

Technical Requirements: 

SQL Server 2008 or newer.

SQL Daily Checkup VS. Managed Services

SQL Daily Checkup (more affordable option)

  • Includes SQL daily monitoring (features listed above)
  • You have the option to remedy issues on your own OR to hire Stedman Solutions

Managed Services (all inclusive option)

  • Includes SQL daily monitoring (features listed above)
  • Includes fixes, updates, remediation, and ongoing server maintenance.

How to get started with SQL Daily Checkup Service:

  • You create an account on the Stedman Solutions website.
  • Checkout with Monthly OR Annual payment option.
  • A Stedman Solutions team member will meet with you via Zoom or Teams to install the monitoring procedures and jobs on your SQL Server.
  • Monitoring begins and Stedman Solutions gets notified of issues that need attention.
  • A Stedman Solutions team member sends you details on the issue with recommended actions.

Here are your Payment Options:

Need More Coverage?

Then you need our Managed Services – We offer two levels of support depending on your business needs. Sign up for one or more servers to be managed and we handle the rest! Sit easy knowing we’ve got it covered!

*Inquire about additional server management discounts

Raving Fan of our Services

We can’t recommend this highly enough!

As a community health center with many competing priorities and limited resources, we sought out Stedman Solutions for help with optimizing, maintaining, and upgrading our aging SQL infrastructure. We’ve engaged with Steve and Derrick for several SQL-related projects, including an initial assessment and optimization, and a “forklift” upgrade to a newer version of SQL required by one of our software vendors – and we couldn’t be happier to work with them.

Each project we’ve worked with them on has been a great experience for us – they are consummate professionals, providing very detailed scope-of-work proposals and taking the time to explain it all in as much or as little detail as you need, so you know exactly what to expect. And perhaps most importantly (and a rarity with many consulting professionals these days), they say exactly what they’ll do, and do exactly what they say. Thoroughness and follow-through are never a concern when working with them on a project.

We feel quite fortunate to have Stedman Solutions available as our SQL expert partners, and we can’t recommend them highly enough!

Charlie Earle, CIO

Unity Care Northwest